The Sogin Group participates in the European Horizon 2020 projects

12 Febbraio 2020

The Sogin Group, together with the major European players in the decommissioning and waste management sector, will participate in two projects under the European Union Framework Program for research and innovation (Horizon 2020).

The two projects, named Inno4Graph and PREDIS, were approved on 7 February by the European Commission and will be launched in June of this year. This participation enhances the role of the Sogin Group in the international network of the sector and promotes the exchange and growth of know-how, also through the development of new prototype technologies.

Inno4Graph, with a duration of 3 years, has the objective of developing and sharing innovative tools and methodologies for the dismantling of European graphite moderated reactors, such as that of the Latina nuclear power plant managed by Sogin. Beyond Italy, the project involves 12 other European partners. Sogin will be involved in the construction of a prototype system for the evaluation of the conservation state of the graphite blocks in the core of the Pontine power plant reactor.

PREDIS, with a duration of 4 years, aims to identify and implement strategies for waste management that allow, on the one hand, the reduction of volumes to be disposed of and, on the other, the optimization of treatment processes. Sogin and Nucleco, among the 54 European partners involved, will participate in the Work Packages dedicated to the overall strategy for the management and treatment of radioactive waste, to the conditioning of organic liquids and metallic materials and to the methods for monitoring the final products in the storage phase.

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