Sogin Group donates 1,000 Tyvek coveralls to the Local health authority of Piacenza

29 March 2020

Last night Sogin, the Italian State owned company responsible for the decommissioning of the Italian nuclear plants, , including the Caorso Nuclear Power Plant, delivered 1,000 coveralls made of special Tyvek material to the Local health authority of the Piacenza area.

These are insulating suits for individual protection, useful for those who work in health facilities where patients infected with the Covid-19 virus are hospitalized, recovered from the warehouse reserves of Sogin's plants.

A first concrete act of support from Sogin to the Piacenza area, which will be followed by further initiatives in the coming days.

The Company, which also during this period is committed for the safe maintenance of nuclear plants under decommissioning, has also created a video message with which it expresses all its encouragement towards the social-health workers committed to fighting the Covid-19 outbreak in the front line.



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