Online the Sustainability Report 2019 of Sogin Group
30 September 2020
As of today, the
Sogin Group Sustainability Report 2019 is online on It is a voluntary tool through which the Group reports transparently its
economic, social, and environmental performance.
The document is prepared according to the "in accordance-core" option of the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in accordance with the principles of inclusiveness, impact, materiality and responsiveness issued by the Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability.
For the first time, the Sustainability Report highlighted how the Group's activities contribute to the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. In particular, Sogin contributes to achieving the following goals:
health and well-being; quality education; sustainable cities and communities; responsible consumption and production;
life on earth.
The economic value distributed to stakeholders in 2019 is about EUR 190 million, in line with 2018 (about EUR 195 million). The training hours provided were 34,381, 11% more than in 2018 (30,843), and the positive trend in the recovery of 70% of the waste produced, around 17,000 tons, is confirmed as part of the Group's circular economy strategy.
The 2019 edition also offers a summary of the sustainability path traced over time by Sogin, on the occasion of its
20th anniversary, and, at the same time, highlights the Company's commitment to creating shared value during the
Covid-19 epidemiological emergency.
Together with the 2019 Sustainability Report, a short evaluation questionnaire is also online, available at this link, which will allow to collect suggestions and opinions to make the document increasingly in line with the expectations of the Group's stakeholders.
Bilancio di Sostenibilità Gruppo Sogin 2019