Nucleco obtains the Contracting Authority qualification

01 August 2023


Nucleco was recognised by the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC) as a contracting authority, an achievement that attests to its competence and professionalism in managing the process of acquiring services, supplies and works.

The Company is therefore registered in the ANAC list of contracting authorities for the provision of services and supplies, without any amount limits (level SF1 - 60.59 points), and for works for amounts up to the European thresholds (level L2 - 44.96 points).

The qualification of contracting authorities, which has been compulsory since 1 July, was introduced pursuant to Articles 62 and 63 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 36/2023 (New Code of Public Contracts), with the aim of increasing quality and efficiency in the management of tenders.

The qualification procedure, activated by the company in June, was assessed by ANAC considering three areas: capacity for technical-administrative design of procedures; capacity to entrust and control the entire procedure; and capacity to verify contractual execution, including testing and commissioning.

Both Nucleco and its parent company Sogin have obtained this contracting authority qualification. The Sogin Group is therefore confirmed as a national reference for activities characterising the process of acquiring goods, services or works, meeting high standards of quality, efficiency, professionalism and ensuring respect for the principles of cost-effectiveness, efficiency, timeliness and fairness.

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